A new Route 66 website worth watching

It’s not often you see a new Route 66 website with a fresh angle to hook travelers.

However, Route66MC.com has one — it’s to attract and guide motorcyclists onto the Mother Road.

The “MC” part of the site’s URL stands for Motorcycle Club.

The website aims to provide bikers this information:

  • Turn-by-turn directions both east and west.
  • Biker-friendly bars, restaurants, motels, and campgrounds.
  • Route 66 motorcycle shops.
  • The closest motorcycle shop to each Route 66 town.
  • Motorcycle rallies along Route 66.
  • Route 66 casinos.
  • Motorcycle clubs along Route 66.
  • “A link that will allow you to tell us about biker bars, motorcycle shops, motorcycle club news, rallies and other events along Route 66, as well as the ripoffs that should be avoided.”
  • Helmet and other motorcycle laws for each Route 66 state.

The fellow behind Route66MC.com is Sam Allen, an attorney now in private practice who says he’s traveled Route 66 for over 20 years. He also owned a motorcycle shop for a few years, and founded the Deacons of Deadwood Motorcycle Club in 2002.

And there’s this on his biography:

He has led a colorful life that included fighting in Madison Square Garden and publishing an article about the experience in New York Magazine. After that, he was featured in People magazine and on NBC Nightly News as New York’s boxing lawyer.

Allen said in an email he is publishing an e-book that contains helpful material about Route 66 for motorcyclists. As for his plans for the site, Allen said:

I plan to sell advertising, so hopefully it will become a profitable venture one of these days. I also hope to get feedback from foks who have businesses or along Route 66 so I can have an evolving site that stays up-to-date and has an ever-expanding database. In addition to the e-book, we are coming out with some apps for iPads and other notebook-type devices, and a GPS download.

If you’re a fan of motorcycles or the Mother Road in general, it may be advisable to bookmark this website.

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