Town wants to give Route 66 corridor a retro look

I found this story about Moriarty, N.M., from the Mountain View Telegraph. I’ll excerpt it in part:

Moriarty’s main street could get a facelift— complete with neon lights and retro storefronts hearkening back to the heyday of Route 66— if one city councilor’s suggestion takes root.

Councilor Steve Anaya asked the council at its Nov. 22 meeting to consider a plan to renew the town’s main street.

Anaya said a 2003 comprehensive land use plan for the city recommended commercial development along Old Route 66 through Moriarty.

The best way to attract new businesses and increase town pride would be with neon lights and landscaping, Anaya added.

“We should capitalize on Route 66,” he said.

The city could apply for grants and legislative appropriations to fund the face-lift and also give businesses regulatory perks for dressing up their exteriors, he suggested.

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