A few days ago, architecture students helped the Route 66 town of Webb City, Mo., with ideas for revitalizing its downtown.
Now it looks like University of Oklahoma landscaping architecture students also will provide ideas on March 7 for another Mother Road city, Miami, Okla., reports the Joplin (Mo.) Globe.
“They will be looking at new ideas for landscaping, lighting and possibly banners” for the parking areas, as well as a plan for possibly developing a park area outside the Coleman Theatre, he said.
“They want to look at ideas that had worked in other communities” and adapt them to possible use for Miami, Eller said.
“Once they get input from the public, they will go back and work on more concrete plans, and come back with those plans for a second public meeting.”
The Globe also reports that city engineer Jerry Ruse will make a presentation on a $2 million Main Street project that involves landscaping and antique-style street lights. Markers on Route 66 will be included.