Newspaper reports El Vado being up for sale

The Albuquerque Tribune is reporting what we reported Saturday — that El Vado Motel on Route 66 in the Duke City is sale by new owner Richard L. Gonzales for $3.25 million.

A few things in the article stick out:

Last month, the city Landmarks and Urban Conservation Commission voted to recommend that the City Council approve the landmark designation. That was scheduled to come before the council on Feb. 6.

“The fact that they’re going to (make it a) landmark is going to leverage me out of the property,” Gonzales said.

It sounds like Gonzales is resigned that landmark status is going to happen. So it begs a question of why he bothered to file an appeal against the Landmark Commission’s decision.

Gonzales put the property back on the market for $3,250,066.

The $66 is symbolic.

“Everything’s negotiable, except for the $66,” Gonzales said.

Translation of the last quote: “Pleeeeeease, somebody buy this property!!!”

Somehow, I don’t think a potential buyer would have pay the asking price. Not by a long shot.

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