Canadian County, Oklahoma, is looking at updates for a 12-mile stretch of original Route 66 west of El Reno, prompting concerns from historic preservationists.
ROUTE Magazine flagged a story from the El Reno Tribune about the possible project from Fort Reno to the Cherokee Trading Post. The newspaper talked to county commissioner Jack Stewart:
According to Stewart, the section of old highway has several problems. These include issues with the concrete slabs, eroding asphalt patches and drainage difficulties.
The county wants to update the road and make it safer, but first will need a topographical survey. A proposal from Frontier Land Surveying is being considered.
The engineering firm in charge of redesigning the road is Frankfort, Short and Bruza. Rather than performing the survey itself, the work has been handed off to Frontier Land Surveying.
Stewart said he is trying to get federal and state grant money to fund the project. The work will begin sometime after the survey. Stewart said the road will be safer, smoother and more comfortable. He also assures that it will not be radically changed, as there are no plans to widen it or to make any changes other than standard rehabilitation.
The county commission put the item on hold until it gets more information.
The story prompted concern from Route 66 researcher Jerry McClanahan:
I am glad to hear that there are no plans to widen or to make ‘radical” changes. But how do you upgrade original concrete pavement without altering the original 1930s ea surface? No way should this pristine stretch of original early 1930s concrete road be altered. Repairs to drainage, yes. The original drains have been allowed to clog, causing the need for “crumbling asphalt repairs.” These asphalt patches should be repaired with concrete to match the original intact surface as closely as possible. And the curbs must remain as part of the original drainage system. Overall this stretch of road is actually in good condition for the amount of traffic. It is certainly not “dangerous”.
Rhys Martin, president of the Oklahoma Route 66 Association, commented on another thread:
The Association has engaged ODOT and is in conversation with other parties involved to ensure we are in the conversation. Any changes out here must go through Section 106 review which engages a LOT of parties for review.
That stretch of road was made of Portland cement during the early 1930s and thus remains one of the most pristine sections of Route 66.
(Image of old Route 66 between Fort Reno and Hydro, Oklahoma, by Jim Grey via Flickr)
Save it, as is, with careful repairs as have been suggested by Jerry and Rhys!
Don’t do What Arizona recently did and Black Tar over the last remaining sections of 66 with red volcanic cinders used in the roadbed between Parks and Williams!
Didn’t anyone stop and think that all this is a National historic highway?
All these unique sections should be preserved-period!
That stretch is one of the high spots of rt66 tourism. To change it would ruin the experience
Hope they don’t screw it up.
That road (pictured) has “severe problems”? Looks better than 90% of the roads here in Michigan.
Wait a sec, isn’t this “improvement and replacement” stuff how we lost all the rest of 66 in the first place ? This isn’t just another road project. Please stop this kind of thinking and restore the road, properly. We look forward to and love to travel this stretch of road ! Almost annually.