Rick and Jane McKinney, the evangelists walking Route 66 as part of their Walk to Reclaim America campaign, posted an update yesterday about their recent adventures, including a memorable experience on the Hualapai reservation in western Arizona.
Route 66 is kind of a microcosm of American culture, in all its fascinating diversity, as the McKinneys are discovering with their cross-country stroll:
It’s really hard to believe, I mean really hard to believe, but we have just finished the first four weeks of the Walk To Reclaim America! We have walked through California, Nevada, and part of Arizona. We have walked 449 miles. We have crossed the Mojave Desert, climbed mountains (several), crossed Native American Reservations, and walked through a Marine Base. We have walked in rain, wind, heat, cold, and yesterday even a few flakes of snow. We have met every conceivable kind of person; all races, all economic levels, different sexual orientations, different religions, and different opinions about what we are doing. We have already seen America in a way few people since the days of the pioneers have had the unbelievable privilege to see it…up close and personal by walking across it. This has already been an experience of a lifetime.
In all that we have seen, experienced, and accomplished so far, the greatest single thing is by far, what we have learned. Every single day we learn. Every single day God shows us in our surroundings, in our communications with others, and yes even in our pain, the “life lessons