Oklahoma Route 66 Association accepting nominations for its Hall of Fame

The Oklahoma Route 66 Association is taking nominations for people — one living and one deceased — to be inducted into the Oklahoma Route 66 Hall of Fame later this summer.

The Hall of Fame ceremony will be on July 9 at the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton.

Information needed for a nomination:

  • Full name of nominee (state whether living or deceased)
  • Biography of the nominee (nominee must live or have lived in Oklahoma)
  • Nominee’s contribution to Route 66
  • The reason you the nominee deserves this award
  • Furnish a portrait-style picture of the nominee
  • Include name, address, and phone number in case the judges need clarification on information

More than one person may be nominated.

Please mail the nomination to the Oklahoma Route 66 Association state office at P.O. Box 446, Chandler, OK 74834 or email it to info@oklahomaroute66.com.

The deadline for nominations is April 21.

Previous Hall of Fame inductees include Michael Wallis, Don Mullenix, Jack and Gladys Cutberth, Lucille Hamons, Kent Ruth, Jim Ross, Cyrus Avery, Dr. Walter Mason, Wanda Queenan, Lyle Overman, Kathy Anderson, Luther Robison, Marion Davidson, Lucy Stansberry, J.M. Davis, Marian Clark, Melvena Heisch, Laurel Kane, Hugh and Zelta Davis, Blaine Davis, and Harley and Annabelle Russell.

(Image of an Oklahoma Route 66 sign in Chandler, Oklahoma, by scott.tanis via Flickr)

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