Blue Hole in Santa Rosa is closed indefinitely due to the collapse of a wall

The Blue Hole of Santa Rosa, New Mexico, will remain closed indefinitely after an underwater boulder broke off last week and reduced the water flow at the site.

According to the Friday print edition of The Communicator newspaper in Santa Rosa, Mayor Nelson Kotiar said a large rock broke off and sank to the bottom of the Blue Hole, clouding the water with algae.

The fallen rock has restricted the flow of the water, prompting inspectors from The Scuba Co. in Albuquerque to dive to the bottom and inspect rocks and walls every five feet to the surface, shooting video throughout.

The company then will then make recommendations to the city regarding any structural work that needs to be performed in the interest of safety.

The newspaper posted several photos from the scene, including a California couple gazing at the Blue Hole with it surrounded by caution tape.

The City of Santa Rosa also posted a notice on Facebook on Friday, stating the Blue Hole will be closed indefinitely:

The city will post updates about the Blue Hole on its website.

The Blue Hole remains a popular destination spot, especially in the summer when visitors can cool off in its 62-degree waters.

The Blue Hole’s 80-foot depth also makes it an ideal spot for scuba dive training.

Many Route 66 travelers consider the Blue Hole a short side trip. But it actually is on the original alignment of Route 66 before the highway was realigned to a paved section.

(Image of the Blue Hole in Santa Rosa, New Mexico, by Jimmy Emerson via Flickr)

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