Lands bill vote delayed

The U.S. House of Representatives has delayed a vote on the Omnibus Lands Bill, which contains a measure to reauthorize the Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program for another 10 years.

According to the Idaho Statesman, the vote was delayed because of a hangup by the National Rifle Association about gun restrictions on public lands. Supporters of the bill are working with the NRA to find a solution. They don’t want to have to change the bill and send back for reconciliation to the Senate, where Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has threatened to filibuster it.

Also, it was reported earlier in the week that a House vote on the lands bill was also delayed because of work this week on the massive economic stimulus bill, which was passed by Congress late Friday.

The Statesman said that if the problems are worked out, the House probably will vote on the lands bill next week, after the Presidents Day holiday.

The well-regarded Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program provides cost-share grants to historic property owners and other assistance.

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