The 25th anniversary of the Route 66 On the Air event is set for Sept. 7-15

“Route 66 On the Air” is marking its 25th anniversary, and the annual amateur radio event is set for Sept. 7-15.

The event, sponsored by the Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club, celebrates U.S. 66, which was established in 1926 and was the first major roadway improvement to link the West Coast with the nation’s heartland.

Joining the celebration for the 18th year will be the Barstow Amateur Radio Club with special event station W6E.

There will be 21 special event stations along the route from Santa Monica, California, to Chicago.

More about the history of Route 66 On the Air:

Originally started by the Northern Arizona DX Association, it was a way to allow amateur radio operators a fun way to “Relive the Ride.” They also can relive their own memories of Route 66, and get to celebrate the highway’s rich history in making the U.S. what it is today.

Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club (CBARC) in San Bernardino, CA took over the event a couple years later and has grown into one of the best special amateur radio events each year.

The first Route 66 On the Air event began in 2001 during Route 66’s 75th anniversary.

In 2023, there were 77 such stations, making a total of 623 contacts during the nine-day event.

Email with questions or for additional information.

(Image of the event certificate issued for the first Route 66 On the Air Event)

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