The New Mexico Tourism Department is currently taking applications through mid-August for its Route 66 Centennial Grant Program for marketing, special events and infrastructure projects.
Applications for Infrastructure projects and special events track will be accepted through Aug. 19. Applications for cooperative marketing track will be accepted through Aug. 13.
New Mexico Route 66 centennial projects must have “a clear tie” to Route 66, which are communities connected to the recognized historic alignment of Route 66 within New Mexico, including the so-called Santa Fe Loop that goes to Santa Fe to the north and Las Lunas to the south.
Fiscal agents, including federally recognized nonprofit organizations, must be a part of any project.
More from the tourism department:
Projects must raise awareness about the history and significance of Route 66. Centennial projects can also encourage the preservation and conservation of its historic sites and provide experiences for travelers, history enthusiasts and tourists from across the country and around the world to contribute to tourism in New Mexico. Projects can also instill a sense of pride for residents celebrating the important Route 66 historic resources through programs, initiatives and events.
Projects can fall within one or more of the following nationally recognized strategic principles with regard to Route 66 activities, to include: Celebrate and honor; preserve protect and enhance; generate tourism demand; tourism development; economic development; national collaboration; and research and education.
Examples of applicable projects can include, but are not limited to: ceremonies, celebrations, media production, marketing and promotion, infrastructure enhancements, and issuance of commemorative items.
More about the grant application guidelines can be found here.
(Image of a New Mexico Route 66 sign by terraplanner via Flickr)