CaliAves of the Aves Takes on California blog is going to take a road trip in the next couple weeks, with some of it on Route 66.
She seems to have the right mind-set for it:
I firmly believe that at some point in every person’s life, they should take a road trip. A serious drive-across-the-country road trip. A throw-away-the-mapquest-directions road trip. A don’t-make-any-motel-reservations road trip. This is something I have wanted to do for the last six years now. Ok, so maybe seeing the worlds largest cross west of the Mississippi or the ten old graffiti-covered cars planted nose first into the ground aren’t completely necessary. But having a picnic lunch at the Grand Canyon, seeing the oldest inhabited town in the country, the Acoma Pueblo, walking where a government building once stood in Oklahoma City that now preaches intolerance to terrorism, seeing the motel room Martin Luther King Jr. slept his last night in exactly as it was left, crossing the great Mississippi, seeing the home of country music… these are the experiences I’m talking about.
This pretty-well sums it up for me. How about you?