While surfing the Web tonight, I stumbled onto this little item — apparently the Route 66 Pulse newspaper will be the beneficiary of a contest for prospective female models.
From The Sustainability Ninja:
Think you’re hot? Like wearing sustainable clothing? Well you’re in luck. Project Green Search is a new modeling competition seeking models to “take a stand, get noticed, align your modeling endeavors with
your personal beliefs, be an advocate for the environment, animal welfare, fair trade, and human rights. Be the poster girl for what is ok to sell … and what is not.”
Winners recieve a bunch of cool eco stuff including a 20 piece Eco-Fashion wardrobe, a contract with Option Model Management as well as features, articles and covers in publications including Coco Eco Magazine, Organic Spa Magazine, Peppermint Magazine, Chenille Magazine, Electrifying Times, Route 66 Pulse, and more tear sheets to build a portfolio.
I e-mailed Jim Conkle, a big dog with the Route 66 Pulse and the Route 66 Alliance, and asked him what was up. He said:
This is in regards to our “Electric Highway” project that I have been working on with folks in the EV, electric vehicle industry. Every now and then I get some request for an interview or to add a comment to someone’s blog.
The newspaper “The Electrifying Times” publisher and editor are the two guys that got me involved.
As you know, the auto industry on the whole has always been into the cheesecake promotions. This is one where the winner will be picked at an event up in Portland, OR, and I am supposed to be there.
So if this competition finds a real hottie who raises the temperature of a room, isn’t that counterproductive in fighting against global warming?
I keed, I keed.
I don’t think the promoters of this event thought of that fact. I will pass it on to them.
As usual your nose for finding out everything and anything that pertains to Route 66 once again moves you out in front of the rest of us.
Keep up the GREAT work.
Jim Conkle
Boy, I’m sure glad we’ll have those folks around to tell us “what is ok to sell … and what is not.”
I had no ideas there were rules for such things. Perhaps another Czar was appointed in Washington that I didn’t hear about?