The very busy Emily Priddy, eastern vice president of the Oklahoma Route 66 Association, is offering a volume you can download online. It’s called “Kids on 66,” which is a guidebook for parents who want to take their kids down Route 66. It’s a detailed state-by-state listing of tourist attractions in Route 66 cities that should appeal to both children and grown-ups. Priddy self-published the book a couple years ago and recently decided to offer it online for free.
Here is the Web site which contains a link to download a Microsoft Word file for the book.
UPDATE: You can now download the book as an Acrobat file here.
Thanks to Dirk Zoeller of Germany and Randy Chevrier of Tulsa (owner of Paintmaster body shop and all-around good guy), a PDF version of the book is now available online for those who don’t have Microsoft Word.
Both versions are free and can be downloaded at: