Rand McNally adds Route 66 to its 2011 atlas

Rand McNally, a publisher of popular and widely distributed road maps, announced today that its 2011 edition of its road atlas will include the marking of Route 66 and other historic roads.

Among several updates that will be included in the atlas are:

The addition of specialty highway shields to show historic and scenic routes including Route 66, the Lincoln Highway, the Great River Road, the Great Lakes Circle Route, and the Lewis & Clark Trail Highway;

The atlas arrived in stores in late April, in time for vacation season. It retails for $13.95, although it’s frequently discounted to $10 to $11.

5 thoughts on “Rand McNally adds Route 66 to its 2011 atlas

  1. That’s pretty cool. My atlas is several years old now. This looks like the perfect excuse to buy a new one, and support R-M for their excellent decision making. Glad to see other significant roads/routes added as well.

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