If you saw some weird things happening to Route 66 News in the past hour or so, I apologize. I tried to revamp the site and add a customized header late last night, but wasn't able to finish before the Sandman visited. I finished it this morning, and suffered all the technical trials and errors to go with it.
It should be mostly done now. I used a customized Regulus theme offered by WordPress.com, which gave me the opportunity to use my own image for the header. The image above is a Route 66 shield painted on the road near Amboy, Calif., that my wife Emily shot a few years ago. She's the one who also made the header for me.
I've also categorized the links more and moved stuff around. The Route 66 Properties for Sale is no longer a page, but a post with its own link, on the side. I deleted the Route 66 associations page and put those links on the side, too, with its own category. I deleted the Route 66 Towns page because, frankly, I didn't think it was all that useful.
If you see anything amiss or want to opine on the site's look, e-mail me (see the About Me tab) or let 'er fly in the comments section.