About a half-dozen new signs that join the Route 66 logo with a roadrunner will be installed in Albuquerque by the end of March, reported KRQE-TV in Albuquerque. The road runner, incidentally, is the state bird of New Mexico. The mockup of the multipurpose directional sign, which is partly designed to direct tourists to attractions … Continue reading New Route 66 signs coming to Albuquerque
Category: Animals
Marty Stuart song inspired by Route 66 stop
I've known about this song for 15 years, but country-music artist Marty Stuart revealed in a recent story in American Songwriter magazine that his 1999 song "The Observations of a Crow" drew its inspiration during a stop on Route 66. Stuart explained how the song happened: It was when I was writing "The Pilgrim." My … Continue reading Marty Stuart song inspired by Route 66 stop
A visit with Rich Henry
KC Keefer continues his "Genuine Route 66 Life" video series with an interview of Rich Henry, owner of Henry's Rabbit Ranch on a stretch of old Route 66 in Staunton, Illinois. https://youtu.be/nCSM7wyOGoU It's good to see Henry breaking in a new bunny to greet tourists. He has to do that every few years because their life … Continue reading A visit with Rich Henry
Pigeon Museum in Oklahoma City holding grand opening
A new museum aimed at Route 66 travelers and other tourists is holding a grand opening Saturday in Oklahoma City -- the American Pigeon Museum and Library. The Oklahoman newspaper produced this video about it: The newspaper said: The museum and library will contain numerous photographs, paintings, trophies, artifacts, collectables and much more memorabilia. [...] … Continue reading Pigeon Museum in Oklahoma City holding grand opening
New Mexico continues to snub Tucumcari for a racetrack license
The Quay County Sun newspaper last week published a well-researched story that speculates why the Route 66 town of Tucumcari, New Mexico, hasn't been awarded a license from the state to build a horse-racing track and casino, despite a license being available for more than a year. The proposed Coronado Park racino in Tucumcari calls for … Continue reading New Mexico continues to snub Tucumcari for a racetrack license
Family of owls holds up relighting of Whiting Bros. sign
The last Whiting Brothers gas station still in operation on Route 66 had hoped to relight the neon for its refurbished signs during a ceremony last weekend. However, a family of owls recently took up residence in one of the signs, delaying the neon installation at the station in Moriarty, New Mexico. Roger Holden at RETRO … Continue reading Family of owls holds up relighting of Whiting Bros. sign
Bees removed from De Anza Motel
Several colonies of honeybees were removed from the long-closed De Anza Motel on Route 66 in Albuquerque, reported KRQE-TV. The bees took up residence inside the walls and roof of the motel, a fairly common occurrence in abandoned properties. Beekeepers were able to remove the bees from De Anza, where they were given new homes … Continue reading Bees removed from De Anza Motel
“Genuine Route 66 Life” video series launched
This has been in the works for a while. But on Monday, Denver-based photographer KC Keefer launched his "Genuine Route 66 Life" channel on YouTube. The channel is subtitled "American Stories from the Route," and this is what the series is about: "Genuine Route 66 Life" is a celebration of people from around the world … Continue reading “Genuine Route 66 Life” video series launched
Boomer, R.I.P.
Word came a few days ago that Boomer, Kevin and Nancy Mueller's golden retriever at the Blue Swallow Motel in Tucumcari, N.M., died after suddenly taking ill. An autopsy revealed the dog was riddled with cancer, even though there were no outward signs until the day of his death. Boomer, along with another golden retriever, … Continue reading Boomer, R.I.P.
Exploring Two Guns
A couple of chums on motorcycles explore the ruins of the Route 66 ghost town of Two Guns, Ariz., which once was the home to a gas station and a wild-animal zoo. https://youtu.be/0UhAXqfnmwE More about Two Guns may be read here.