City of Chandler launches Route 66 neon sign grant program

The city government of Chandler, Oklahoma, recently announced it has implemented a neon-sign grant program for its Route 66 corridor. The program provides cost-share funds for businesses that want to make a custom neon sign or fix an existing one. Here are the requirements: Eligible businesses must be on Route 66 and within city limits. … Continue reading City of Chandler launches Route 66 neon sign grant program

10 more Route 66 Extraordinary Women micro-grants announced

The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership announced 10 more grant recipients from its Extraordinary Women Micro-Grants Program. Grants of $2,000 were given to: Sarah Ann Lesslie of Cocolita Chocolate Cafe, Flagstaff, Arizona: Purchase two new, single-door refrigerators for the shop, replacing a malfunctioning one. Amy Stephens of the Edmond History Museum, Edmond, Oklahoma: Install new … Continue reading 10 more Route 66 Extraordinary Women micro-grants announced

Meadow Gold Mack store opens along Route 66 in Tulsa

Mary Beth Babcock recently opened a second store along Route 66 in Tulsa -- the Meadow Gold Mack emporium that sits next to the landmark Meadow Gold neon sign, naturally. Babcock, who also owns the Buck Atom's Cosmic Curios on Route 66 down the street, told News on 6 in Tulsa that Meadow Gold Mack … Continue reading Meadow Gold Mack store opens along Route 66 in Tulsa

Nearly 100-foot-long neon sign goes live in downtown Tulsa

The Tulsa Route 66 Commission recently touted the existence of the largest neon sign that has gone through the city's Route 66 Neon Sign Grant Program. It's nearly 100 feet long. And it's not vintage -- it's new. It's on the roof of Santa Fe Square, which sits on the Second Street alignment of Route … Continue reading Nearly 100-foot-long neon sign goes live in downtown Tulsa

Meadow Gold Mack Route 66 Outpost in Tulsa opening on May 18

Tulsa Route 66 booster Mary Beth Babcock this week announced the imminent opening of another venture -- the Meadow Gold Mack Route 66 Outpost that will feature another Muffler Man fiberglass statue. Babcock stated on Facebook: "Over 16 artists and shops will be under 1 roof. The ultimate mix of merch, vinyl, books and gifts. … Continue reading Meadow Gold Mack Route 66 Outpost in Tulsa opening on May 18

Progressively warmer winters affect harvest at Funks Grove Maple Sirup

CBS News in Chicago recently did a story about Funks Grove Maple Sirup in Shirley, Illinois, and how repeatedly warmer winters are shortening the sap flow of the family farm's maple trees. The gist is that climate change definitely is affecting Funks Grove's annual harvest. Funks Grove tends to sell out of its maple … Continue reading Progressively warmer winters affect harvest at Funks Grove Maple Sirup

Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission launches Kickstart 66 Tour on Thursday

The Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission is starting a Kickstart 66 Tour this week with the goal to spark development along the highway before its centennial in 2026. According to the Oklahoma Route 66 Association, staff from the Oklahoma Arts Council and Oklahoma Main Street Center will make a series of stops in communities along … Continue reading Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission launches Kickstart 66 Tour on Thursday

Aussie eats 13 1/2 pounds of fudge at Uranus Missouri contest

James Webb of Sydney, Australia, devoured 13 1/2 pounds of chocolate fudge in eight minutes to win the title and $2,500 in prize money during the inaugural Eating Uranus Fudge Galactic Championship at the Uranus Missouri complex. James Webb prepares to devour a piece of fudge from Uranus. The contest took place last week at … Continue reading Aussie eats 13 1/2 pounds of fudge at Uranus Missouri contest

Clines Corners marking its 90th anniversary

The venerable Clines Corners convenience store, restaurant and trading post about halfway between Santa Rosa and Albuquerque is marking its 90th year in operation this year. The anniversary was duly noted by a photo essay in the Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper over the weekend. website contains this history of the place: Roy E. … Continue reading Clines Corners marking its 90th anniversary

Dream Maker Station opens in Adrian on April 1

The Dream Maker Station, formerly the Sunflower Station next to the Midpoint Cafe in Adrian, Texas, will open to the public on April 1. Hours will be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Grilling times for visitors will be from 4 to 8 p.m. starting May 1. Those times were chosen so … Continue reading Dream Maker Station opens in Adrian on April 1