The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership a few days ago issued its third-quarter report. Among the interesting nuggets is the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Preserve Route 66 road trip generated more than 1,000 news stories and drew a potential audience of 1.15 billion. Here are the tidbits from the report: --- The National Trust's … Continue reading Stories on Preserve Route 66 trip drew potential audience of 1.1 billion
Category: Publications
New Oklahoma Route 66 Guide published by state tourism bureau
The Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department announced this week it has published a new, 56-page Oklahoma Route 66 Guide. From the news release: The Oklahoma Route 66 Guide highlights more than 120 Mother Road attractions throughout the state, including museums, historical sites, diners and much more. It also features festivals to catch along the route … Continue reading New Oklahoma Route 66 Guide published by state tourism bureau
Was there a ban of black customers at Route 66 motels in eastern New Mexico?
Roland Penttila, a reader of this website based in Albuquerque, emailed this 1955 newspaper clipping a few days ago: Penttila wrote: While many white families have fond memories of their auto adventures along Route 66 during its heyday, too little is remembered of how difficult it was for African Americans to travel U.S. highways including … Continue reading Was there a ban of black customers at Route 66 motels in eastern New Mexico?
Uranus Missouri’s bid to start newspaper encounters resistance
The newspaper in Waynesville, Missouri, recently shut down. A local businessman announces plans to start a newspaper in its place. The readers in Waynesville and the surrounding region are celebrating, right? Not necessarily. The businessman is Louie Keen, owner of the Uranus Missouri, complex along Route 66 in nearby St. Robert, Missouri, and he plans … Continue reading Uranus Missouri’s bid to start newspaper encounters resistance
Expanded Pulaski County brochure includes obscure Route 66 alignment
The Pulaski County Tourism Bureau in Missouri announced this week it expanded its Route 66 Driving Tour brochure for the first time since 2001, including adding an obscure Route 66 alignment of which few people are aware. The bureau stated the brochure offers more than 66 points of interest, 10 detour-worthy side trips and seven roadie-inspired … Continue reading Expanded Pulaski County brochure includes obscure Route 66 alignment
ROUTE Magazine teases cover image of inaugural issue
This week, the folks at ROUTE Magazine teased out an image of the cover of its first issue, which is slated to land in bookstores across America in a matter of days. Brennen Matthews, who is shepherding the bimonthly, Route 66-centered magazine, said in an email Friday: The magazines will be in motels and hotels … Continue reading ROUTE Magazine teases cover image of inaugural issue
Joplin History Guide re-released and expanded
The Joplin (Missouri) Convention and Visitors Bureau expanded and re-released its Joplin History Guide -- the first update to that free publication in 15 years. According to the Joplin Globe newspaper: The guide is is not entirely new but is an enlarged version of one that was printed for the convention bureau in 2003. "It's … Continue reading Joplin History Guide re-released and expanded
Reporter who often covered Illinois Route 66 news dies
Tim Landis, the longtime business editor of The State Journal-Register in Springfield, Illinois, who often covered Route 66 news in the state, died unexpectedly Tuesday at his home in Chatham, Illinois. He was 66. Landis exercised regularly and had no known health issues at the time of his death, the newspaper reported. He apparently died … Continue reading Reporter who often covered Illinois Route 66 news dies
ROUTE Magazine to launch Feb. 1
Brennen Matthews, a principal figure behind the upcoming ROUTE Magazine, today posted this message and the above image out on social media: “ROUTE Magazine, the new high quality bi-monthly print title has begun its official launch campaign. The magazine will be focused on US road travel, vintage Americana and Route 66 and be found nationwide … Continue reading ROUTE Magazine to launch Feb. 1
Santa Rosa newspaper soon will change hands
The Guadalupe County Communicator, a weekly newspaper based in Santa Rosa, New Mexico, that caught nationwide attention in 2009 when a well-known, laid-off veteran journalist bought it, soon will turn over the office keys to another veteran journalist. Communicator owner and publisher M.E. Sprengelmeyer made the announcement during his "From the Publisher" column in the … Continue reading Santa Rosa newspaper soon will change hands