Nearly 330 miles in California added to U.S. Bicycle Route 66

The Adventure Cycling Association recently announced the designation of 18 new U.S. Bicycle Routes in five states, including nearly 330 miles in California to U.S. Bicycle Route 66. This is what is stated about the California section: USBR 66 (329.8 miles): Where possible, USBR 66 generally follows the historic U.S. Route 66. Beginning at the Arizona … Continue reading Nearly 330 miles in California added to U.S. Bicycle Route 66

Man aims to ride his unicycle down Route 66 for charity

A man is riding his unicycle down Route 66 from Chicago to Flagstaff, Arizona, to raise money for a charity that helped his family when he was seriously injured as a youngster. According to KY3 in Springfield, Missouri, 19-year-old Peter Frank is trying to cycle 30 miles a day. A tracking device he wears indicated … Continue reading Man aims to ride his unicycle down Route 66 for charity

Take a look at ABC’s “Nightline” feature on Route 66 in 1992

While looking for something else, I stumbled upon this 20-minute feature about Route 66 that aired July 3, 1992, on ABC News "Nightline" program. It's a wonderful segment. You'll see a number of businesses and people who've since departed almost 30 years later. You'll also see a younger-looking Michael Wallis, Angel Delgadillo and Delbert Trew. … Continue reading Take a look at ABC’s “Nightline” feature on Route 66 in 1992

Book review: “A Sports Fan’s Guide to Route 66”

Here's a new guidebook that takes on a previously unexplored aspect of Route 66 -- local sports teams that help unite those communities. Ron Clements' "A Sports Fan's Guide to Route 66" (Amazon link; Imbrifex Books, paperback, 352 pages, Kindle version available) takes the traditional east-to-west path on the eight states that Route 66 traverses … Continue reading Book review: “A Sports Fan’s Guide to Route 66”

So who’s the big teddy bear walking along Route 66?

In the last few weeks, a dude in a big teddy bear costume has been walking east along Route 66. He's been posting on Facebook under the "I am Bearsun" account and also on Instagram. He also has a website. A couple of examples: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bearsun (@iambearsun) … Continue reading So who’s the big teddy bear walking along Route 66?

Next phase of Oklahoma Music Trail to launch at Route 66 Heritage Festival

The next phase of the Oklahoma Music Trail will be launched this weekend at the inaugural Route 66 Heritage Festival in downtown Miami, Oklahoma. The trail currently is a well-developed website shepherded by Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell, who also is Oklahoma's tourism chief and a big Route 66 advocate. The Joplin Globe had details on … Continue reading Next phase of Oklahoma Music Trail to launch at Route 66 Heritage Festival

Denny’s launching America’s Diner Hiring Tour along Route 66

Denny's on Thursday announced it is launching an "America's Diner Hiring Tour" on Route 66 from St. Louis to Los Angeles to hire 20,000 new workers for its restaurant chain. The tour will make stops at these locations: Monday, June 28, at 8 a.m. – 10575 Watson Road, St. Louis, MissouriTuesday, June 29, at 8 a.m. – 1617 SW 74th Street, Oklahoma CityWednesday, … Continue reading Denny’s launching America’s Diner Hiring Tour along Route 66

2021 Great Race will make stops next week in Sapulpa, Joplin, Rolla

The annual Hemmings Motor News Great Race of antique automobiles will wind through northeastern Oklahoma and half of Missouri on Route 66 next week. The event will make a lunch stop at 12:15 p.m. Monday at the Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum in Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and make an overnight stop in downtown Joplin, Missouri, … Continue reading 2021 Great Race will make stops next week in Sapulpa, Joplin, Rolla

Veteran journalist bicycles length of Route 66 during pandemic for a future book

Chicago Tribune columnist Rick Kogan recently caught up with veteran journalist Michael Sean Comerford, who cycled the length of Route 66 during the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year and talked to scores of people along the way. Comerford began his journey from Chicago in March, averaging 35 to 70 miles daily, with a sign affixed … Continue reading Veteran journalist bicycles length of Route 66 during pandemic for a future book

Tourism recovering rapidly in Amarillo region after COVID-19 pandemic

In another sign Route 66 is recovering after the COVID-19 pandemic, Amarillo reported stronger-than-expected tourism numbers in late 2020. KAMR-TV in Amarillo got some interesting data from the Amarillo Convention and Visitors Bureau: What they saw was last quarter of 2020 numbers outperforming numbers they saw in 2019, which itself was a growth year for … Continue reading Tourism recovering rapidly in Amarillo region after COVID-19 pandemic