Should we sound a pessimistic note for summer tourism on Route 66 in 2021?

Though two COVID-19 vaccines have been rolling out in the United States and worldwide for several weeks, Route 66 business owners perhaps shouldn't be too high-flying in their optimism for a normal tourism season. Frank Gifford, a photographer and longtime explorer of the Mother Road, had a pessimistic take in "Life in the Time of … Continue reading Should we sound a pessimistic note for summer tourism on Route 66 in 2021?

Videos document nearly every town on Route 66

John Wise is a YouTuber who "tries to visit everywhere in the world and drink every flavor of slushie." He completed a Route 66 trip a few months ago with the goal to document -- even for just a few seconds -- every town on the route. That includes the lesser-traveled 1926-1932 alignment south of … Continue reading Videos document nearly every town on Route 66

Lawmakers seek to designate Oklahoma Route 66 as U.S. Bicycle Route

An Oklahoma state legislator has introduced a bill that would designate all of Route 66 in the Sooner State as a U.S. Bicycle Route. State Rep. John Talley (R-Stillwater) listed in the Stillwater News Press a bunch of bills he has introduced for the legislative session that begins Feb. 1. This one caught my eye: … Continue reading Lawmakers seek to designate Oklahoma Route 66 as U.S. Bicycle Route

Oklahoma Tourism claims 163-to-1 return on RoadTripOK video series

The Oklahoma Department of Tourism said its recently completed 52-episode RoadTripOK video series generated nearly $11.8 million in projected lodging revenue and a 163-to-1 return on investment. The Retrospec Films crew visited attractions, accommodations and events in 67 cities and towns around the state, with a several-month break because of the COVID-19 pandemic. They featured … Continue reading Oklahoma Tourism claims 163-to-1 return on RoadTripOK video series

Comedian Kevin Hart stars in upcoming “Route 66” show for Discovery+ streaming

Comedian and movie star Kevin Hart will star in a television adventure series tentatively titled "Route 66" for the forthcoming Discovery+ streaming service that launches Jan. 4. Several media outlets had details about the Discovery+ platform that was announced Wednesday, but it was that had the most details about Hart's show: Route 66 (working title): … Continue reading Comedian Kevin Hart stars in upcoming “Route 66” show for Discovery+ streaming

Lonely Planet features a Route 66 trip through Arizona and New Mexico

Lonely Planet, which publishes a bunch of travel guides and has a popular website, posted this three-minute video of an Atlanta couple who traveled Route 66 in Arizona and New Mexico. Lonely Planet said this about the video: Historic Route 66 is full of hidden gems -- towns that seem frozen in time from the … Continue reading Lonely Planet features a Route 66 trip through Arizona and New Mexico

New sign marks Paul McCartney’s brief stop on Route 66 in Oklahoma

Oklahoma County and several residents of a stretch of original Route 66 on Monday installed a sign that commemorated a brief stop by a former Beatle, Paul McCartney, there in 2008. Shellee Graham, who lives on that segment of historic road with Route 66 historian Jim Ross, was there to help document the installation with … Continue reading New sign marks Paul McCartney’s brief stop on Route 66 in Oklahoma

“Two for the Road” episode on PBS-TV features the Texas Panhandle

A PBS-TV show titled "Two for the Road" recently aired a special episode that features the Texas Panhandle, of which a prominent portion includes Route 66 country. The show generously showcases the Route 66 towns of Shamrock, McLean, Groom, Amarillo, Vega, Adrian and Glenrio, along with Palo Duro Canyon, a popular side trip south of … Continue reading “Two for the Road” episode on PBS-TV features the Texas Panhandle

New Mexico adds new COVID-19 restrictions for two weeks starting Monday

The state of New Mexico will add new restrictions effective Monday because of soaring coronavirus cases there, and more states are likely to join it as the virus reaches a dangerous stage in the growth of infections and overwhelmed hospitals. Four other states on Friday also added COVID-19 restrictions. USA Today, which published a handy … Continue reading New Mexico adds new COVID-19 restrictions for two weeks starting Monday

Pulaski County offers playful but serious COVID-19 cautions in a new tourism video

The Pulaski County Tourism Bureau in central Missouri wants people to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously but still wants them to travel Route 66 and to other destinations. With those things in mind, the bureau released a #DoTheFive video that briefly details five things that can be done to slow the spread of the virus, … Continue reading Pulaski County offers playful but serious COVID-19 cautions in a new tourism video