Route 66 makes brief appearance in Chrysler Super Bowl ad

The advertisement Chrysler aired tonight during the 2014 Super Bowl will forever be labeled as the "Bob Dylan Chrysler ad" -- mostly because of the surprising appearance by the famously reticent singer-songwriter. But a Missouri Route 66 shield also makes an appearance. You'll see it about the 20-second mark. Chrysler has produced a few … Continue reading Route 66 makes brief appearance in Chrysler Super Bowl ad

A radio interview with George Maharis

George Maharis, co-star of CBS-TV's "Route 66" drama of the early 1960s, was interviewed for 21 minutes a few days ago on "The Vintage Rock and Pop Shop" on WFDU radio in New Jersey. Maharis now is 85 years old. In 2007, I interviewed Maharis for about a half-hour before "Route 66" episodes finally trickled … Continue reading A radio interview with George Maharis

Developer drops De Anza project

The developer of the historic but long-closed De Anza Motel in Albuquerque has dropped the project entirely because he didn't get the funding he wanted, reported KRQE-TV in Albuquerque. Developer Rob Dickson had ambitious plans for the De Anza Motel at Central and Washington. He promised to create 39 apartments, a Zuni jewelry store, a … Continue reading Developer drops De Anza project

An old Chevy can break down here

If you're ever driving a mid-1950s Chevrolet on Route 66, there are far worse places to break down than in Stroud, Okla. KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City reports about Route 66 Restoration Supplies, a shop that specializes in parts for 1955, 1956 and 1957 Chevys. To see the report, just hit the KFOR link.   As … Continue reading An old Chevy can break down here

A visit to Joseph’s Bar and Grill

KOB-TV in Albuquerque continued its visits to iconic restaurants in New Mexico. One of them is Joseph's Bar and Grill in Santa Rosa, N.M. A true story: I was exiting Joseph's after breakfast there, when I saw dark blue swallows flying and playing around the outside of the restaurant. I had just spent overnight at … Continue reading A visit to Joseph’s Bar and Grill

Santa Rosa talks about “the bypass”

KOB-TV in Albuquerque, in the wake of its story about the Silver Moon Cafe, filed this report on the impact of Interstate 40 on the Route 66 town of Santa Rosa, N.M.: The report was mostly well-done, but context and other notes are in order: --- KOB makes it sound as if the I-40 bypass … Continue reading Santa Rosa talks about “the bypass”

A visit to the Silver Moon Cafe

KOB-TV in Albuquerque has started a series on "iconic" New Mexico restaurants. One of them is the Silver Moon Cafe, on Route 66 in Santa Rosa. Here's the video: As for claiming it is the first place where westbound travelers can get a true taste of New Mexico, there's at least one place in Tucumcari … Continue reading A visit to the Silver Moon Cafe

Chinese tourists’ take on Route 66

This is fascinating. These two videos from the China-based Blue Ocean Network contain interviews with a Chinese couple that recently traveled Route 66. Those in the tourism industry should take notes. Part 1: Part 2: The number of Chinese tourists in the United States reportedly will reach 100 million a year by the … Continue reading Chinese tourists’ take on Route 66

DVD review: “The Spirit of 66”

Here's an interesting addition to a Route 66 fan's library -- a documentary shot so long ago and out of circulation for so long, it's become a relic in its own right. That would be the DVD version of "The Spirit of 66" ($20, plus shipping), the 50-minute pilot for a proposed 10-part television series … Continue reading DVD review: “The Spirit of 66”

“Road Trip” episode from 2004

Here's the complete 44-minute episode of the Discovery Channel's "Road Trip" program that prominently featured Route 66. The episode shows Las Vegas' neon-sign boneyard before it opened, the Oatman Hotel when it was still taking overnight guests, and a lot of behind-the-scenes look at Hoover Dam, before the new highway was built near it.