Warren Buffett, the billionaire principal owner of Berkshire Hathaway, recently had a meal with cast members of "Breaking Bad" at the 40-year-old Monte Carlo Steakhouse and Liquor Store. The restaurant is on Central Avenue (aka Route 66) on the city's west side. KOB-TV filed this story: https://youtu.be/m59Cm7DgQxM Because New Mexico has become a popular site … Continue reading Billionaire Warren Buffett dines at historic Albuquerque steakhouse
Category: Television
How Route 66 still kicks
Enjoy this two-part interview with Rick Antonson and Peter Armstrong, who on Fanny Kiefer's "Studio 4" talk show in Vancouver, Canada, tell of their adventures on Route 66 several years ago. That journey spawned an acclaimed book by Antonson, "Route 66 Still Kicks." https://youtu.be/2EalAGCy3Uw https://youtu.be/Zc9FrUE-x3o On a related note, Antonson a few days ago sent … Continue reading How Route 66 still kicks
A closer look at Seaba Station Motorcycle Museum
KWTV in Oklahoma City filed this report about the Seaba Station Motorcycle Museum on Route 66 in Warwick, Okla. News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | You can read my report on Seaba Station's initial opening in 2010.
A closer look at the Elbow Inn
Take a look at a recent "Discover the Ozarks" spot by KRBK-TV in Springfield, Mo., about a Route 66 landmark -- the Elbow Inn Bar & BBQ in Devil's Elbow, Mo. https://youtu.be/SF1z_wdV2B4 One of my favorite stories about the Elbow Inn is this one, by Sandi Wheaton. Believe it or not, her story about the … Continue reading A closer look at the Elbow Inn
C-SPAN takes a look at Route 66 in Albuquerque
Cable channel C-SPAN posted this video yesterday that examines the history of Route 66 and the preservation of its historic properties, especially in Albuquerque. Longtime New Mexico Route 66 advocate Johnnie Meier and Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program director Kaisa Barthuli star in this clip. https://youtu.be/MpKZNhuU69M The video is part of C-SPAN's Local Content Vehicles … Continue reading C-SPAN takes a look at Route 66 in Albuquerque
Fox News needs someone to check facts about Route 66
Good news and bad news for Fox News. The good news is a poll by Public Policy Polling indicates it is the most-trusted name in news, with 34 percent of the total. The bad news is Fox News is also the least-trusted news outlet in the same poll, at 39 percent. And any pollster will … Continue reading Fox News needs someone to check facts about Route 66
TV program examines Route 66 renaissance of Atlanta, Ill.
WEIU-TV spends about 20 minutes of this 26-minute "Heartland Highways" program telling about the embrace of Route 66 tourism by the town of Atlanta, Ill. https://youtu.be/uzyFfgF6Gdw It makes an impression when the mayor says sales-tax revenues rose 43 percent from 2008 to 2012. And he attributes that entirely to tourism. And you also get a peek … Continue reading TV program examines Route 66 renaissance of Atlanta, Ill.
Documentary about Route 66 will air Friday on European TV
For our European readers, Oscar-nominated director Katja Esson's five-part "Backroads" documentary is airing this week on the European television Arte channel, including the "Route 66 in the South West" segment on Friday. According to Arte's online channel guide, the program will air at 6:25 p.m. local time. Translated from German, the description of the program … Continue reading Documentary about Route 66 will air Friday on European TV
A word from our sponsor
This television ad for the China-based Foton Motor Co. was uploaded a few days ago by Michael Wong, who was the spot's visual and artistic director. You'll see an Arizona Historic Route 66 road sign make a brief appearance. https://youtu.be/RGBJltoGcI8 Yes, I do believe the Chinese hold a certain fascination for the Mother Road.
California broadcaster Huell Howser dies
https://youtu.be/Je9gi6b0ZRI Huell Howser, an nontraditional, enthusiastic, and even folksy host who became a legend in California television, died Sunday at age 67 after a long illness, according to the Los Angeles Times and other media outlets. Howser, a Tennessee native, hosted "California's Gold" and other programs that highlighted the characters and off-the-beaten-path locales of California. This description by … Continue reading California broadcaster Huell Howser dies