TV station will air special program about Missouri Route 66

"Celebrate the Ozarks: Route 66," a one-hour special about Missouri's Route 66, will air at 7 p.m. CDT Friday, April 29, on KYTV (KY3) in Springfield, Mo. Tim Leimkuhler, a news photographer at KY3 and producer of the program, says it deals with the Mother Road from Rolla, Mo., to just across the border in … Continue reading TV station will air special program about Missouri Route 66

A tour in the Mother Road’s midsection

This episode from Greene HD Productions is from the "Route 66: The Marathon Tour" DVD box set. The segment goes from Erick, Okla., to Adrian, Texas, with small snippets of other sights on Route 66 in the beginning.

Vincent Video posts Tucumcari clips

Vincent Video has posted two videos from its visit to Tucumcari, N.M. This is from a trip on Route 66 that Vincent and Holly Cricchio took last summer. From the videos, you may discover a few things about Tucumcari that you didn't know: The videos are part of "America Travels Historic Route 66," … Continue reading Vincent Video posts Tucumcari clips

“Man vs. Food” host visits World’s Largest Rocker

Adam Richman, host of the Travel Channel's "Man vs. Food" program, yesterday visited Fanning 66 Outpost on Route 66 in Fanning, Mo., including the complex's World's Largest Rocker. Sure enough, Fanning Outpost has posted on its Facebook page several photos of Richman, including having a seat on the rocker. Richman wasn't there to take on … Continue reading “Man vs. Food” host visits World’s Largest Rocker

A visit with the Route 66 Museum and Landrunner

Here's a clip from Australia's "Classic Restos" television show that features the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton and Ken "Landrunner" Turmel and his PostmarkArt.

A word from our sponsor

I have no idea what's going on here, except that you see the Bagdad Cafe in Newberry Springs, Calif.

“Dodge and Burn” trailer

While surfing Vimeo for videos, I stumbled onto this well-edited clip. Music is "All Summer Long" by Kid Rock (with a nod to Lynyrd Skynyrd and Warren Zevon): It's a trailer for a film by Stephen Vernon-Clarke with the working title "Dodge and Burn," and it comes with this summary: Whilst traveling through the … Continue reading “Dodge and Burn” trailer

Antiques TV show coming to Albuquerque

The "Treasure Hunters Roadshow" syndicated television show is coming to Albuquerque on March 1-4 for filming along Route 66 in the city, according to a press release today. Albuquerque residents are invited to bring their rare collectibles and antiques to the Inn at Rio Rancho for evaluation by antique experts from 9 am to 6 … Continue reading Antiques TV show coming to Albuquerque

Exploring the Inland Empire’s Route 66

Here's a good video about The Magic Lamp Inn restaurant, which has graced Route 66 in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., since 1955. This is part of the ongoing Inland Empire Explorer series. Here are more Route 66-related videos about Sierra Bakery and Wigwam Motel in Rialto, and the McDonald's Museum in San Bernardino (owned by Juan … Continue reading Exploring the Inland Empire’s Route 66

A tour down Route 66 in Missouri

This 22-minute video on the Mother Road in Missouri features irreverent hosts Jeremy Wood and Diane Robertson. The television show is called "Just Down the Road." Other episodes can be viewed online at its website.