According to KRT Productions, a Schaumburg, Ill.- based company, this little video was created for WYCC-TV in Chicago, a PBS station. Other than that, I know nothing. I'm assuming it's for an upcoming documentary by the station. I'll try to find out more. UPDATE: Kathy Rivera, president of KRT, replied to an e-mail that her … Continue reading Nicely done
Category: Television
It’s all gute
Globe Reisefilme, based in Germany, has been posting videos on YouTube from Route 66. Here's one about the town of Seligman, Ariz., and native son Angel Delgadillo. Even with the clip's language barrier, it's pretty cool: More Globe Reisefilme videos can be found here.
Thumbs up
Television host Carson Daly tells about one of his favorite videos:
A recap of Grant Denyer’s journey
Australian television personality Grant Denyer finished his Route 66 trip on, naturally enough, on the Santa Monica Pier. The Sunrise at 7 morning show decided to show highlights of the journey: If you want to see all of the video segments, you can go to this YouTube channel here.
More details emerge of Billy Connolly’s Route 66 trip
A few weeks ago, it was reported that well-known Scottish actor, musician and comedian Billy Connolly would host another television travel series, this time on Route 66. Today, more details came to the surface in The Guardian newspaper of London and other British media. Connolly's trip will start in May. It will be a four-part … Continue reading More details emerge of Billy Connolly’s Route 66 trip
Reality travel show on Route 66 goes to editing stage
A New Jersey-based film production company that traveled Route 66 earlier this year is taking its footage to an editing company to create a reality-based travel program, according to a news release over the weekend. Vincent Cricchio of Vincent Video is consulting with Timeline Video on the editing. They plan to create a pilot episode … Continue reading Reality travel show on Route 66 goes to editing stage
Roadkill follies
Another video from Australian morning TV host Grant Denyer during his current Route 66 trip. I have to admit this is pretty funny. More of those videos can be seen here.
An Aussie in America
Affable television host and race-car driver Grant Denyer has been traveling Route 66 in an old Cadillac in the past few days and doing live feeds back home to Australia for the "Sunrise Channel 7" show. Today, the show start putting his Route 66 segments on YouTube. The channel is here, but here are the segments … Continue reading An Aussie in America
“Man vs. Food” hits Amarillo
Adam Richman, host of the "Man vs. Food" program on the Travel Channel, talks about his experiences at the Coyote Bluff Cafe on old Route 66 in Amarillo, Texas, in this video blog. Richman tried the green chile stew (common in neighboring New Mexico) and sampled the Burger From Hell, which contains jalapeno, habanero and … Continue reading “Man vs. Food” hits Amarillo
A word from our sponsor …
This is about the only television advertisement in recent weeks that's caused me to smile. Of course, Hank Williams and old trucks will do that.