Musical TV series to be shot on Route 66

Greene HD Productions is taking to the Mother Road next month to shoot a 13-episode television series called "Rhythms of the Road." From the news release: Combining the successful Johnnie High’s Country Music Revue series aired during the past two years on the RFD TV cable network and Greene’s work on the award-winning Route 66 … Continue reading Musical TV series to be shot on Route 66

Notes from the road

The Motel Safari in Tucumcari, N.M., has added another mural image, courtesy of local artist Doug Quarles. It's a 1953 Flxible Clipper bus. Motel owner Richard Talley also passed along this news: On another note, we just had our first celebrity guest check-in! No, it wasn't Sir Paul!!! During the annual Rattler Reunion weekend, a … Continue reading Notes from the road

An oldie but a goodie

St. Louis Post-Dispatch movie reviewer Joe Williams talks about some of his favorite theaters in the area. Some have enormous screens, others screen IMAX films, one has couches, and another serves beer. Yet none of these are my favorite theater.  With apologies to my many friends in the film-exhibition business, my favorite theater in the … Continue reading An oldie but a goodie

Notes from the road

There seems to be some activity at the long-abandoned old Route 66 town of Spencer, Mo. We heard from Gary Turner up the road at Gay Parita that someone has bought the town's handful of buildings and plans to revive it with a gift shop and maybe other things. When we drove by on Sunday … Continue reading Notes from the road

Coleman Theatre tries to finish what it started

Here's a story from KSN/KODE in nearby Joplin, Mo., about residents of Miami, Okla., trying to finish the restoration of the historic Coleman Theatre, which sits on Route 66. The interesting angle is that they are trying to finish the job that George Coleman Sr. started in 1929: "[Coleman] loved theater; [he] built this whole … Continue reading Coleman Theatre tries to finish what it started

Design proposed for downtown Miami

The Miami (Okla.) News-Herald reported that landscape architecture students have made their recommendations "Miami Beautiful" -- a revamped downtown area. The students clearly took the "Miami Beautiful" name from the historic Coleman Theatre Beautiful in downtown. According to the project material, the concept features Main Street as “center stage,” while the parking lots and alleys … Continue reading Design proposed for downtown Miami

Ambitious plans for Miami

This story from the Miami (Okla.) News-Record about the town's future tourism efforts caught my eye with this excerpt (boldface type is my emphasis): Oklahoma is already investing in international tourism as state tourism officials have partnered with the state of Kansas to commit a half-million dollars to target international travelers. Barger said the investment … Continue reading Ambitious plans for Miami

Fire destroys historic Albuquerque saloon

The Golden West Saloon, which was built on Albuquerque's Central Avenue in 1929, was destroyed by fire Thursday, reports the Albuquerque Journal. The fire also damaged the historic El Rey Theater next door, but the owner is optimistic it will reopen next weekend. The owner made a appeal to the community to revive the saloon, … Continue reading Fire destroys historic Albuquerque saloon

Another town receiving design help from students

A few days ago, architecture students helped the Route 66 town of Webb City, Mo., with ideas for revitalizing its downtown. Now it looks like University of Oklahoma landscaping architecture students also will provide ideas on March 7 for another Mother Road city, Miami, Okla., reports the Joplin (Mo.) Globe. “They will be looking at … Continue reading Another town receiving design help from students

Restoration of Rialto Square Theatre begins

About 18 months ago, we passed on the news that a local group was trying to raise $5 million to renovate the historic Rialto Square Theatre of Joliet, Ill., which is saddled between lanes of Route 66 and is a stone's throw from the Lincoln Highway. The Joliet Herald News reports that the fundraising continues, … Continue reading Restoration of Rialto Square Theatre begins