Oklahoma’s black eye amid upcoming preservation conference

The Tulsa World this week published a preview of the “Are We There Yet? Preservation of Roadside Architecture and Attractions" symposium in Tulsa next month. The April 10-12 event is organized by National Park Service’s National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program, Tulsa Foundation for Architecture, city of Tulsa, Tulsa … Continue reading Oklahoma’s black eye amid upcoming preservation conference

A closer look at White Dog Hill restaurant near Clinton

Oklahoma Living magazine, a publication by the state's electrical cooperatives, recently published an article for its Table Talk section about the White Dog Hill restaurant just off Route 66 east of Clinton, Oklahoma. The whole article is worth reading, but a key part is the video, which shows the restaurant's culinary delights and amazing scenery … Continue reading A closer look at White Dog Hill restaurant near Clinton

A look back at the Rock Cafe, Pop Hicks restaurants

Anthony Reichardt recently uploaded a couple of more videos from his videotaped road trips on Route 66 in a 1959 Cadillac during the 1990s. The first is from the Rock Cafe in Stroud, Oklahoma, in 1994 and 1995. https://youtu.be/zhaj-mo_g5M The first segment of the video shows a couple of neon signs along Route 66 that … Continue reading A look back at the Rock Cafe, Pop Hicks restaurants

Melvena Heisch, Laurel Kane inducted into Oklahoma Route 66 Hall of Fame

Melvena Heish and the late Laurel Kane were inducted Saturday into the Oklahoma Route 66 Hall of Fame during ceremonies at the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton, Oklahoma. The ceremony also celebrated the 90th anniversary of Route 66 and marked two new exhibits at the museum -- one about folk art and another of … Continue reading Melvena Heisch, Laurel Kane inducted into Oklahoma Route 66 Hall of Fame

Elvis sightings on Route 66

The Marshfield Mail in Missouri published an extensive listing of Elvis Presley sightings and shows in the Show-Me State in 1956 -- the year he came into national prominence. The future King of Rock 'n' Roll's tours brought him to a few Route 66 landmarks that year. According to the newspaper. --- "By May 1956, Elvis was … Continue reading Elvis sightings on Route 66

More 1990s videos on Route 66

Anthony Reichardt has posted more than a dozen videos he shot during Route 66 trips in a 1959 Cadillac from 1992 to 1995. The latest batch includes an interview with Aleene Kay Albro, who co-owned Buffalo Ranch in Afton, Oklahoma, from 1953 to 1997. She died less than two years after this video, and Buffalo Ranch … Continue reading More 1990s videos on Route 66

A look at Route 66 in 1993

Anthony Reichardt of Santa Ana, California, drove his 1959 Cadillac down old Route 66 in the fall of 1993 has uploaded several videos from that journey. In them, you're likely to see things you never may see again. Such as this look inside -- and out -- of the West Winds Motel in Erick, Oklahoma, … Continue reading A look at Route 66 in 1993

Patti Page collection will be at Oklahoma museums

A collection of late singer Patti Page's memorabilia will be on display through the rest of the year at the Oklahoma History Center and will later travel to several other Oklahoma sites, including the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton. According to The Oklahoman newspaper, the "Patti Page: Once Upon a Dream" exhibit from the … Continue reading Patti Page collection will be at Oklahoma museums

A glimpse at the future Billboard Museum

If you're a longtime traveler on Route 66 who wonders what happened to the old neon sign for the Rio Siesta Motel in Clinton, Oklahoma, we have an answer. It -- along with several dozen other signs and billboards -- are safely in a storage warehouse in the Oklahoma City area until the Billboard Museum … Continue reading A glimpse at the future Billboard Museum

Class of 2014 for Oklahoma Route 66 Hall of Fame announced

Author Marian Clark of Tulsa and the late J.M. Davis of Claremore will be inducted Oct. 18 into the Oklahoma Route 66 Hall of Fame at the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton, according to a release from the Oklahoma Route 66 Association. The ceremony is slated for 2 p.m. and will be free to the … Continue reading Class of 2014 for Oklahoma Route 66 Hall of Fame announced