Route 66 tourist center opens in Edwardsville

A Route 66 information center in Edwardsville, Illinois, has opened in the Afterwords Books store, which was a tourist inn for Route 66 travelers many years ago. The Edwardsville Intelligencer reports the city's Historic Preservation Commission forged a partnership with the bookstore to offer brochures and information about restaurants, museums, hotels, entertainment and other visitor information about Edwardsville. Cindy Reinhardt … Continue reading Route 66 tourist center opens in Edwardsville

Official: Edwardsville missing Route 66 opportunities

Edwardsville, Illinois, is one of the fastest-growing cities in the St. Louis metropolitan region. That didn't stop a local official from saying the city was missing an opportunity for Route 66 tourism. Historic Preservation Commission associate member Cindy Reinhardt talked about those missed opportunities in front of the Edwardsville City Council, according to the Daily Intellgencer: … Continue reading Official: Edwardsville missing Route 66 opportunities

More Genuine Route 66 Lives

KC Keefer recently uploaded a few more videos as part of his Genunine Route 66 Life series. Here is Bob Russell, mayor of Pontiac, Illinois, who personally greets many Route 66 travelers as they arrive in downtown Pontiac. The clip prominently features the bus of late Route 66 artist Bob Waldmire. Next is historian … Continue reading More Genuine Route 66 Lives

Edwardsville Route 66 Conference is back on

The Edwardsville Route 66 Conference is set for Oct. 29-31 at the historic Wildey Theatre in Edwardsville, Illinois, after it was abruptly canceled a few weeks ago. The Illinois Route 66 Blue Carpet Corridor Coalition is sponsoring the event. Online registration for the event will begin about April 1. The event is called "Miles of Possibility: The … Continue reading Edwardsville Route 66 Conference is back on

Route 66 conference in Edwardsville canceled

A Route 66 conference slated for late October in Edwardsville, Illinois, has been canceled because of logistical challenges in organizing it, according to a news release sent Tuesday. Cheryl Eichar Jett wrote in the release: Unfortunately, it was too much of a logistical challenge with the City of Edwardsville and plans have never been finalized. There … Continue reading Route 66 conference in Edwardsville canceled

How did the Kingman Route 66 festival do?

The answer: Pretty well; thanks for asking. The town of Kingman, Arizona, hosted the annual International Route 66 Festival for the first time last weekend. I've cobbled together some highlights from the event: Estimated attendance, according to the Kingman Daily Miner newspaper, was 6,000, which was in line with forecasts. About 60 percent of festival attendees … Continue reading How did the Kingman Route 66 festival do?

Hi-Way Tavern being revived at old Edwardsville location

The Hi-Way Tavern and Cafe, which began on Route 66 in Edwardsville, Ill., in 1934, will be revived at its old site in a tavern and eventually will serve food again, reported the Edwardsville Intelligencer. The building at 463 E. Vandalia was occupied by Neumann's Bar and Restaurant for 25 years. However, the newly reverted … Continue reading Hi-Way Tavern being revived at old Edwardsville location