Neon sign lighting ceremony for Western Motel in Vinita set for April 12

The owners of the Western Motel along Route 66 in Vinita, Oklahoma, announce a lighting ceremony for its new neon sign. The new sign will be unveiled at 7 p.m. on April 12. The event will include live music, food and more. The Western Motel last fall received a neon-sign grant through the Oklahoma Route … Continue reading Neon sign lighting ceremony for Western Motel in Vinita set for April 12

Oklahoma Route 66 Association launches new membership for children

The Oklahoma Route 66 Association is launching a new type of membership focused on engaging youth 8 to 18 years old, called the Route 66 Explorer’s Club. “Our hope is to inspire the next generation of roadies by encouraging more youth to explore Route 66,” Rhys Martin, president of the association, stated in a news … Continue reading Oklahoma Route 66 Association launches new membership for children

‘Big Indian’ statue in Massachusetts moving to Hi-Way Cafe in Vinita

What is Massachusetts' loss apparently is Oklahoma Route 66's gain. The Hi-Way Cafe in Vinita, Oklahoma, recently acquired the so-called "Big Indian" that stood outside the Native and Himalayan Views, formerly the Big Indian Shop, for nearly 50 years in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts. According to the Greenfield Recorder, the 20-foot-tall fiberglass statue was the subject … Continue reading ‘Big Indian’ statue in Massachusetts moving to Hi-Way Cafe in Vinita

Mobil 1 Muffler Man to become a permanent fixture at Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita

The Muffler Man temporarily erected during Mobil 1's "Keep Route 66 Kickin'" campaign last summer soon will become a permanent part of the Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita, Oklahoma. The Route 66 restaurant made the announcement during the relighting ceremony for its refurbished neon sign, then put it out on social media the next day: The … Continue reading Mobil 1 Muffler Man to become a permanent fixture at Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita

About 200 attend relighting of neon sign of Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita

Approximately 200 gathered Saturday evening to view a relighting ceremony for the neon sign of the Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita, Oklahoma. It was the first time in about 30 years the sign experienced a glow from its neon tubing. Tom Schwartz, who built the Route 66 restaurant and its sign in 1963, threw the switch … Continue reading About 200 attend relighting of neon sign of Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita

National Trust offering another round of grants for historic small restaurants

The National Trust for Historic Preservation and American Express are offering another opportunity for restaurants to receive up to $40,000 from the Backing Historic Small Restaurants Grant Program. The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership stated in a news release it is encouraging the many small, historic restaurants along Route 66 to apply for the grant, … Continue reading National Trust offering another round of grants for historic small restaurants

Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita sets March 25 for relighting ceremony for restored neon sign

The Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita, Oklahoma, announced it would hold a relighting ceremony on March 25 for its soon-to-be-restored neon sign. The Route 66 restaurant posted photos Friday of the sign being removed "so it can be completely refurbished back to its historical glory." The restaurant added it would be the first time in more … Continue reading Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita sets March 25 for relighting ceremony for restored neon sign

Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita breaks world record for most stickers on a car

The Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita, Oklahoma, on Saturday set a Guinness world record for applying 66,066 stickers on a car. That broke the old record of 41,500. The bid was part of Mobil 1's "Keep Route 66 Kickin'" campaign. According to a story by a Tulsa TV station KJRH, the Route 66 restaurant chose a … Continue reading Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita breaks world record for most stickers on a car

Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita to host another Mobil 1 world-record attempt

The Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita, Oklahoma, on Nov. 5-12 will attempt another Guinness world record with the most stickers placed on a car. The Route 66 restaurant on Friday posted on Facebook that it needs some help with the attempt: We are now looking for volunteers for two very important roles. We need:1) People to … Continue reading Hi-Way Cafe near Vinita to host another Mobil 1 world-record attempt

Restoration of Hi-Way Cafe sign among newest Route 66 Corridor cost-share grants

The restoration of the Hi-Way Cafe neon sign near Vinita, Oklahoma, was among the newest cost-share grants announced this week by the Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program. Four of the grants involved neon signs. In addition to the Hi-Way, grants went to the Henning Motel sign in Newberry Springs, California; the Road Runner's Retreat sign … Continue reading Restoration of Hi-Way Cafe sign among newest Route 66 Corridor cost-share grants