The Travel Channel reality show "Hotel Impossible" aired a Route 66-related episode on Tuesday night, showing how host Anthony Melchiorri tries to dress up the Luxury Inn in Flagstaff, Arizona, and the Red Garter Inn and Canyon Motel and RV Park in Williams, Arizona. As you'll find, the Red Garter and the Canyon didn't need … Continue reading The Route 66 episode of “Hotel Impossible”
Tag: Hotel Impossible
Two Williams businesses featured in ‘Hotel Impossible’ show
The Canyon Hotel and RV Park and the Red Garter Bed and Bakery will be featured in an episode of the Travel Channel's reality show "Hotel Impossible" later this year, according to the Williams News. "Hotel Impossible's" premise is hotels receive an extensive makeover by veteran hotel operator and hospitality expert Anthony Melchiorri and his … Continue reading Two Williams businesses featured in ‘Hotel Impossible’ show