Angel Delgadillo, known as the "Guardian Angel of Route 66," today will receive his own exhibit about his impact on the Mother Road at the Kingman Visitor Center in Kingman, Arizona. The opening day for the exhibit is after 1 p.m. local time today. The exhibit is free to the public on the second floor … Continue reading Angel Delgadillo today gets his own exhibit at the Kingman Visitor Center
Tag: Kingman Visitor Center
Kingman Visitor Center lights its new but retro-looking neon sign
The Kingman Visitor Center in Kingman, Arizona, held a ceremonial lighting Wednesday evening of its new but retro-looking neon sign that stands along Route 66. A 30-minute video was broadcast on Facebook Live that evening. The countdown to the lighting begins with about four minutes left: Local resident and author Jim Hinckley posted this photo: … Continue reading Kingman Visitor Center lights its new but retro-looking neon sign