Oklahoma Tourism video features Buck Atom’s Cosmic Curios on Route 66

We knew this was going to happen eventually: The Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department recently produced a video for Discover Oklahoma about Buck Atom's Cosmic Curios on Route 66, the gift shop that opened along 11th Street (aka Route 66) in Tulsa earlier this summer. Here's the description of the video: Celebrate the fun of … Continue reading Oklahoma Tourism video features Buck Atom’s Cosmic Curios on Route 66

New Oklahoma Route 66 Guide published by state tourism bureau

The Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department announced this week it has published a new, 56-page Oklahoma Route 66 Guide. From the news release: The Oklahoma Route 66 Guide highlights more than 120 Mother Road attractions throughout the state, including museums, historical sites, diners and much more. It also features festivals to catch along the route … Continue reading New Oklahoma Route 66 Guide published by state tourism bureau