A PBS-TV show titled "Two for the Road" recently aired a special episode that features the Texas Panhandle, of which a prominent portion includes Route 66 country. The show generously showcases the Route 66 towns of Shamrock, McLean, Groom, Amarillo, Vega, Adrian and Glenrio, along with Palo Duro Canyon, a popular side trip south of … Continue reading “Two for the Road” episode on PBS-TV features the Texas Panhandle
Tag: Palo Duro Canyon
A collage of images from West Texas
This stunning video features the images of Wyman Meinzer, the official photographer for the state of Texas, and the music of Doug Smith. The images don't strictly come from Route 66 -- although Palo Duro Canyon State Park south of Amarillo is a common side trip -- but they're fairly typical from what you might encounter … Continue reading A collage of images from West Texas