The top 10 icons of Route 66 are …

The readers have spoken. We now know the top 10 icons of Route 66. About a month ago, we launched an online poll via to find out from readers what they considered to be Route 66's top 10 icons. The criteria were the icon must be a specific place on or near Route 66 and be … Continue reading The top 10 icons of Route 66 are …

Reminder: Icons poll open for 2 more weeks

Although a great many of you have long since voted, the poll begun in early December about the top 10 icons of Route 66 remains open through Dec. 31. More than 18,000 votes have been collected so far. On midnight Dec. 31, the poll will close, we'll tally the results, and post a story about the … Continue reading Reminder: Icons poll open for 2 more weeks

Poll: What are the top 10 icons of Route 66?

If you ever find yourself asked the question -- "What are the top stops on Route 66?" -- you'll probably find it very difficult to compile a short list because the number is so vast. Or you'll find yourself making a different list depending on the day, simply because of random memory variations in the … Continue reading Poll: What are the top 10 icons of Route 66?