The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership a few days ago issued its third-quarter report. Among the interesting nuggets is the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Preserve Route 66 road trip generated more than 1,000 news stories and drew a potential audience of 1.15 billion. Here are the tidbits from the report: --- The National Trust's … Continue reading Stories on Preserve Route 66 trip drew potential audience of 1.1 billion
Tag: Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership
Vintage Motel Task Force sets goals, identifies challenges of Route 66 motels
The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership this week announced its Vintage Motel Task Force set two goals and identified seven challenges that face owners of historic Route 66 motels. According to a news release from the partnership, the task force's purpose is is "to retain, sustain, and enhance the viability of vintage motels along Route 66 … Continue reading Vintage Motel Task Force sets goals, identifies challenges of Route 66 motels
66,000 signatures sought for Route 66 National Historic Trail petition
The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership and the National Trust for Historic Preservation this week announced a goal of 66,000 signatures for a petition supporting the designation of Route 66 as a National Historic Trail. The groups stated in a news released they want to meet that goal by Nov. 11, which is the widely … Continue reading 66,000 signatures sought for Route 66 National Historic Trail petition
How well did the National Trust’s Preserve Route 66 tour go?
A post shared by morgan vickers (@mrgnvckrs) on Jul 22, 2018 at 2:49pm PDT In early July, a young team from the National Trust for Historic Preservation began a month-long Preserve Route 66 tour to drum up support for congressional legislation to declare Route 66 a National Historic Trail. Using stops along the Mother Road … Continue reading How well did the National Trust’s Preserve Route 66 tour go?
Route 66 Road Ahead details progress so far, new projects ahead
The Route 66 Road Ahead Partnership recently released a second-quarter report on its accomplishments and future projects, including a just-announced partnership with the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association. Much of the Route 66 Road Ahead's energies have concentrated on the Route 66 Centennial Commission Act and the Route 66 National Historic Trail Designation Act, … Continue reading Route 66 Road Ahead details progress so far, new projects ahead
Bill won’t provide quick fix for Route 66 bridges in Mojave Desert
Don't expect a quick fix to Route 66's dilapidated bridges in the Mojave Desert -- or anyplace else -- if Congress and the president enact the Route 66 centennial bill this year. The Route 66 Centennial Commission Act, passed unanimously by voice vote earlier this week, contains a provision that requests the Secretary of Transportation to … Continue reading Bill won’t provide quick fix for Route 66 bridges in Mojave Desert
U.S. House passes Route 66 Centennial bill
The U.S. House of Representatives on Monday passed the Route 66 Centennial Commission Act. It next will be considered by the U.S. Senate. The measure was passed by a voice vote without objection. Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), a key sponsor of the bill known as H.R. 66, issued this statement after the bill passed: Route … Continue reading U.S. House passes Route 66 Centennial bill
Two states poised to celebrate Route 66’s centennial in 2026
Today, when the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a bill to set up a federal-level 100th anniversary commission for Route 66, two Midwestern states also are poised to set up their commissions to mark the road's centennial in 2026. Missouri's governor signed such a bill into law this year, and Illinois' … Continue reading Two states poised to celebrate Route 66’s centennial in 2026