Calling all educators who used Route 66 in their curriculum: The Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative wants to hear from you. University of New Mexico professor and author David Dunaway is serving as chairman of the initiative's Research & Education Working Group. He recently put out a call for educators to share their materials … Continue reading Educators, Route 66 can use your help
Tag: Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative
Route 66: The Road Ahead update, 12/3/2016 edition
Bill Thomas of the Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative asked whether regular updates about the group's activities could be posted on Route 66 News. I agreed to do so on a monthly or bimonthly basis. Here is the first report, printed in full below the jump (content has been lightly edited). Route 66 Road … Continue reading Route 66: The Road Ahead update, 12/3/2016 edition
Happy 90th birthday, Route 66!
Today -- which also happens to be Veterans Day -- marks the 90th birthday of the official existence of U.S. Highway 66, better known as Route 66. Nov. 11, 1926, was the day the American Association of State Highway Officials formally adopted the 2,448-mile path from Chicago to Los Angeles and number for U.S. Highway … Continue reading Happy 90th birthday, Route 66!
Close, but not quite there for Route 66: The Road Ahead logo
A few months ago, the Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative asked people to send ideas for a new name and logo for the group. The initiative wanted "an easy to remember name and a quickly recognizable logo that reflected the mission of the Road Ahead Initiative and which could assist in efforts to market, promote, … Continue reading Close, but not quite there for Route 66: The Road Ahead logo
Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative wants a new name, logo
The folks behind the Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative are hoping someone in the community can come up with a new name and logo for the group with a contest. From the news release this week: The past two years, a group of Route 66 stakeholders, facilitated by the World Monuments Fund and the National … Continue reading Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative wants a new name, logo
Final 2015 report of Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative panel released
The steering committee of the Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative last week issued a final report of what it did in 2015 and what it hopes to carry out in 2016. You can read the entire 13-page report here. The committee's goals sprang from a series of workshops held in several Route 66 states … Continue reading Final 2015 report of Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative panel released
Report on Route 66: The Road Ahead workshops released
A series of workshops convened last summer by the Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative's steering committee to help map out Route 66's future. More than 300 people attended meetings held in several states. Bill Thomas, chairman of the committee, released a final report about the workshops over the weekend. The 33-page Acrobat document may … Continue reading Report on Route 66: The Road Ahead workshops released
Times, places of Route 66: The Road Ahead workshops announced
A couple of weeks ago, the Route 66: The Road Ahead initiative announced a series of collaborative workshops in seven cities in July. This week, the initiative provided times and places for each workshop: --- Tuesday, July 21, Springfield, Illinois, 6 to 8:30 p.m., Route 66 Hotel Conference Center, 625 E. St. Joseph St. (map … Continue reading Times, places of Route 66: The Road Ahead workshops announced
Route 66: The Road Ahead hosting regional workshops
The Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative will host Route 66 Collaboration Workshops at seven cities in July, according to a news release Friday. The initiative is joining with the National Park Service's Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program on the workshops, in which members of Route 66 associations, tourism officials, economic development professionals, business owners, preservationists, … Continue reading Route 66: The Road Ahead hosting regional workshops
Panel may advocate designating Route 66 a National Historic Trail
A national committee of Route 66 advocates is exploring the possibility of lobbying the federal government to permanently designate Route 66 as a National Historic Trail under the auspices of the National Park Service, according to a news release Monday from the group. The group, which now calls itself Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiative, … Continue reading Panel may advocate designating Route 66 a National Historic Trail