The first of 45 new neon signs coming to Route 66 in Stroud, Oklahoma, was recently installed as part of the town's forthcoming Route 66 centennial celebration. Here's what the new sign looks like at night: Charles Palmer, one of the movers and shakers for the Stroud Route 66 neon project, told Route 66 News … Continue reading First sign goes up in Stroud for ambitious Route 66 neon project
Tag: Stroud
Restored neon sign installed at Rock Cafe in Stroud
The historic neon sign at the Rock Cafe in Stroud, Oklahoma, has a new glow after it was restored with a grant from the Oklahoma Route 66 Commission with the aid of the Oklahoma Route 66 Association. The sign dates to the 1940s and was re-installed a few days ago. And Rich Dinkela, president … Continue reading Restored neon sign installed at Rock Cafe in Stroud
New Oklahoma Route 66 grants go to Blue Whale improvements, giant dinosaur, neon projects
The Oklahoma Route 66 Commission announced more than $6.6 million in grants, including improvements to the Blue Whale in Catoosa, a 66-foot dinosaur in Tulsa and multiple neon-sign initiatives. The grants, initially reported by the Oklahoma Route 66 Association, cover 13 Route 66-related projects in the Sooner State. More about the grants can be found … Continue reading New Oklahoma Route 66 grants go to Blue Whale improvements, giant dinosaur, neon projects
A look at the Rock Cafe in Stroud 20 years ago
Dawn Welch, owner of the historic Rock Cafe in Stroud, Oklahoma, flagged this video from 2004 created by Jack Frank. Welch said it was just six years into her ownership. My mother has passed and this may be the only video recorded of her helping at the cafe. She literally taught me how to cook … Continue reading A look at the Rock Cafe in Stroud 20 years ago
Professor seeks to document and preserve examples of giraffe rock architecture
A professor in Missouri wants to document and preserve so-called giraffe-rock architecture that's rapidly disappearing in the Ozarks region. For the uninitiated, giraffe rock describes colorfully built structures dating to the early 20th century that used native rock such as chert, limestone or sandstone. Several prominent examples of the architecture can be seen along Route … Continue reading Professor seeks to document and preserve examples of giraffe rock architecture
Oklahoma Route 66 Midpoint Corridor hosting inaugural Road Rally on June 22
The Oklahoma Route 66 Midpoint Corridor will be hosting its first-ever Road Rally on June 22 in 11 cities along Route 66 in northeastern Oklahoma. The towns along the Midpoint Corridor, from west to east, are Edmond, Arcadia, Luther, Wellston, Chandler, Davenport, Stroud, Depew, Bristow, Kellyville and Sapulpa. The Oklahoma Route 66 Association posted this … Continue reading Oklahoma Route 66 Midpoint Corridor hosting inaugural Road Rally on June 22
Oklahoma Route 66 Association launches new membership for children
The Oklahoma Route 66 Association is launching a new type of membership focused on engaging youth 8 to 18 years old, called the Route 66 Explorer’s Club. “Our hope is to inspire the next generation of roadies by encouraging more youth to explore Route 66,” Rhys Martin, president of the association, stated in a news … Continue reading Oklahoma Route 66 Association launches new membership for children
Route 66 Spirit of America Museum opens in Stroud
The Route 66 Spirit of America Museum opened Saturday in downtown Stroud, Oklahoma, and it's a different cat from other Route 66 museums. It pays tribute to the people who make an impact "to the larger scheme of things," its founder says. Route 66 author and artist Jerry McClanahan, who lives in nearby Chandler, visited … Continue reading Route 66 Spirit of America Museum opens in Stroud
Will new exits off the Turner Turnpike improve the fortunes of Route 66 towns in Oklahoma?
The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority's Access Oklahoma initiative plans to add 14 new exits from its toll-road system, including several near Route 66 towns between Oklahoma City and Tulsa. The Oklahoman examined that stretch of Route 66, especially the small town of Davenport, which hopes the new access from Interstate 44 will bring them new businesses … Continue reading Will new exits off the Turner Turnpike improve the fortunes of Route 66 towns in Oklahoma?
Route 9 Signs makes a detailed miniature of Skyliner Motel sign in Stroud
The man behind Route 9 Signs in California recently finished a detailed miniature of the Skyliner Motel sign along Route 66 in Stroud, Oklahoma. Martin Treu recently commissioned the work from Chris Raley, who lives in Fresno. Railey wrote on his Route 9 Signs account on Instagram that the miniature was made with laser-cut baltic … Continue reading Route 9 Signs makes a detailed miniature of Skyliner Motel sign in Stroud